The EKKLESIA Worldwide in the United States of America, otherwise known as TEW (which name is hereby recognized as also designating the EKKLESIA), is an international church within the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, of those duly constituted Provinces, Dioceses, and regional Churches in communion with Apostolic Rite Jurisdiction and the International College of Bishops, upholding and propagating the historic Faith and Order as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. At a duly appointed and adopted General Meeting in Schertz, Texas on January 30, 2021, the governing board of TEW set forth the basic Articles for the government of this Church, and of it oversees missionary jurisdictions. We desire to provide a Global International Church with those of like precious faith, where the Holy Spirit may be honored according to our distinctive testimony to assume our share of responsibility and the privilege of propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ by all available means, both at home and in foreign lands, and for this purpose we have adopted the following THE EKKLESIA WORLDWIDE Constitution, Holy Orders (Canons) and By-Laws and do submit ourselves to be governed by them.
Our Goals, Objectives, Beliefs and Creeds
Our Goals:
To increase the ability of TEW's leadership team to succeed in every endeavor or mission they may embark upon, utilizing a roundtable, servant-leader deliberative concept. This concept requires of its leader, the challenge and need to serve God's people, utilizing a bottom-up stewardship modality, which will determine the most effective use of their gifts and talents, thereby creating an inspirational and aspirational leadership platform, which allows each leader within TEW, to become effective leaders for the Kingdom.
To provide the needed spiritual, educational, administrative, and economic resources to its members' churches which should enable them to carry out the mission assigned to them by TEW and our Father in Heaven.
To develop innovative strategies for growing each of TEW'S member churches, ministries, our base of donors, mission workers, and volunteers.
To acquire and channel resources into delivering coordinated, responsible, accessible, responsive, and transparent services for each of the communities our churches and ministries have been called to serve.
To provide irresistible praise and worship services to all who come into our member churches' places of worship, in a holy and Christian manner, conducive to the sovereignty of God.
You provide a venue for academic, collegial, educational, and training enrichment for its members' churches, who will be charged with taking that knowledge into the highways and hedges and share the Gospel of our Lord and Savior.
Our Objectives:
Assist member provinces, dioceses, and local churches, with the establishment of after-school and tutorial programs for children and young adults.
Assist member provinces, dioceses, and local churches, with establishing community "Missions" located directly in small villages, complexes, and neighborhoods.
Encourage provinces, dioceses, and local churches, to introduce "Mission Outreach" events in their communities. The event should provide food, games, and music as well as a presentation of the Gospel message and distribution of appropriate evangelistic material. These materials will be transliterated into the native tongue of each country supported by TEW.
Assist provinces, dioceses, and local churches, with the establishment volunteer medical teams to provide services through our International Missions and Outreach Events.
Encourage its provinces, dioceses, and local churches, to create and establish local Job Networking opportunities for the communities they have been called to serve.
Assist provinces, dioceses, and local churches, in establishing Summer Vacation Bible School Programs provided "Backyard Bible Clubs" and Evangelistic Sports Ministries" to local villages, housing, and apartment complexes and neighborhoods.
Encourage the development and operation of local, national, and international quality clothing, toy, and equipment giveaway programs, for use by member churches.
Acquiring and maintaining a large distribution warehouse, to be used as a give-away facility for free distribution of goods.
Develop a marketing plan for TEW, by a reputable member of the Executive Council, whose primary objective is the protection of TEW's brand, the integrity of the Global church, and protection thereof.
Providing communications, information, church-to-church support, and anointed speakers for its members' churches and ministries.
Providing churches with the forum, tools, and resources needed to become viable partners within their communities.
Become policy advocates in their communities, which will allow for the creation of necessary best interest regimens for the people they have been called to serve.